April in Rome


We will be in Rome on April 22th for a concert at 9 p.m. at the Teatro Lo Spazio, via Locri 42/44, playing songs of our last CD “La Noche Arrolladora” and new compositions. The title track is inspired by Pablo Neruda’s Poem La Poesía, from Memorial de Isla Negra, and two of the songs of this CD draw inspiration from Sun Ra’s statement by the end of his film Space is the Place: “I, the wind, come and go as I choose; and none can stop me”

About this album:

“The songs of the album are loaded with incredible mood changes, innovative grooves, and rhythms, as well as powerful arrangements that feel ever-evolving and kaleidoscopic. In addition to that, the production of this release is tasteful and understated, highlightning the natural chemistry between these talented musicians”.    JazzCorner.com

“…A perfect musical synthesis that solves technical complexity and the rationality of thought through pure emotion, generating an authentic music of intense emotional force…This project is a true miracle of beauty that has the breath of life”.    Paolo Fortugno, Move Magazine

…and a couple of interviews:

Intervista con il pianista cileno Antonio Flinta, all’indomani dell’uscita del suo nuovo album: “ho la necessità di scoprire cose” A proposito di Jazz- Gerlando Gatto

Pianist/composer Antonio Flinta reveals his contemporary and classical influences   No depression, The Journal of Roots Music